The concept of utopia brings to mind an harmonious community of men living together in a nation or in a society that is mature through...
My fifth poetry book entitled "Apperception" is about the recognition of my vulnerability motivated by the pandemic and the ensuing...
Introspective Short Stories
Introspective short stories differ from traditional ones in that they concentrate on the depth analyses centered around the protagonist...
I think our life-styles changed after the Covid crisis to become slower and more reflective. At least for me. I tend to think twice...
Confessional versus Lyrical Poetry
Confessional poetry deals with the poet's apperception or the assimilation of her life-experience whereas lyrical poetry concentrates on...
Watching for Dolphins by D. Constantine
In the summer months on every crossing to Piraeus One noticed that certain passengers soon rose From seats in the packed saloon and...
A Poem
No Coward Soul is Mine by Emily Brontë No coward soul is mine, No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere: I see Heaven's...
The Bee by E. Dickinson
The bee is not afraid of me, I know the butterfly; The pretty people in the woods Receive me cordially. The brooks laugh louder when I...
Emily Dickinson's Letter
This is my letter to the World That never wrote to Me— The simple News that Nature told— With tender Majesty Her Message is committed ...
Copyright Matters
As writers we are obliged to protect our copyright. Since our books are diffused through many channels which exist today, we have to...