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    Publications in Journals

                  & Events










“The Fluvial Breach”  a non-fiction story about water management was published in The Criterion, Vol.16, Issue 1, February 2025. ISSN: 0976-8165 and can be read online:


"Son of Man", a long poem of 481 lines on the theme of initiation was published by The Soliloquist Magazine in spring 2025.


Poetry Readings on Zoom in Vermont College, with Ruth Padel on Zoom, UK, in Geneva Writers Group in 2025. 


Vermont College Alumni Reading, April 2024.


Read my poem "Protest" which I translated to French for World Poetry Day on Zoom for the

South American Anthology Resistir in which the poem was published, 2023.


The podcast of my reading and interview with Soren Lit, USA, which stands for Southern Renaissance Literature is broadcast on their website and below:


Here is the ANCHOR  podcast recording:



My sonnet entitled "Pathfinder" was chosen by the  lead editor of "Poetry on Brick Street" to be published in The Polaris Trilogy Anthology in January 2023. Then, the poem will be sent to the moon on a time capsule along with my website with many other poets by NASA's Mission to the Moon in 2024.


I was interviewed about my most recent poetry book Apperception by Swiss Radio and TV sponsored by

the Swiss Society of Authors on October 7, 2021. In the interview, I said that I considered the book to be a defense against the pandemic, confinement, and our accrued vulnerability which made us dream and remember our dreams more vividly than ever before. 



I read from "Apperception", my fourth poetry book,  in the Open Mic Event in Geneva on October 6, 2020.



I gave a reading from "Apperception" in The Geneva Writers Conference on September 25, 2020. 


"Poetry, Sublimation, and Integrative Writing" in Wild Court, King's College, London, February 12, 2020.


"Sylvia Plath Riding Thanatos" in Twelve Rivers, May 2020.


“Weightlessness” in Breadcrumb No. 565, February 18, 2020.


“The Gun” in Talking Soup, March 6, 2019.


“The Alpine Journey” in Giving Voice, An anthology for the Homeopathic Care of Animals,  June 2019.


“Poetry, Sublimation, and Integrative Writing” in Wild Court (King’s College, London), 12 February 2020.


“Sylvia Plath Riding Into Thanatos in Ariel”, Twelve Rivers, May 2020


Will be reading from "The Threshold of Broken Waters"

on January  24, 2020 in the UN Literary Event in Geneva.


A reading of all my latest book has been planned at Martin Bodmer Foundation by PEN on March 8 at 20H.


I gave a reading of my poems from my new book <<The Threshold of Broken Waters>> on November 10, 2018 at the Geneva Writers Group.


Please refer to my poems and essay on "Geoffrey Hill's Poetry" in the Journal of Poetics Research published by Emeritus Prof.  and poet, John Tranter, in Sydney Uni.

JPR05 & JPR06 online.


I will give a poetry reading at the International American Club in Geneva. 


The French poets and writers of Geneva and the writers of St. Petersburg, Russia have a joint project for a bilingual book of poetry and short stories.


Two sonnets, "Microcosm" and "Delight" were published in Tuck Magazine on January  15, 2017.


My essay on Geoffrey Hill's poetry will be published in March in a magazine affiliated to Sydney University in Australia.


My flash fiction piece "Snatched" is published in the anthology <<100 Voices, Vo. II>> by Centum Press, USA. 


I was awarded a Gold Medal for my poem "The Tear-Catcher"  in the Depth Poetry Category given by The New York Literary Magazine in September 2016. Published in the NYM.


I will be giving a poetry reading at Payot Rive Gauche, Geneva on June 9 at 18H-19H30.


I signed a contract with Centrum Press for my flash fiction piece "Snatched" and future pieces.


Gave a  reading at the Geneva Writers Group in February 2016. Applauded after each poem. Honoured.


A Woman By A Well and Resilience, two recent poetry books, were launched in the UK in September 2015.


All proceeds from the first edition of A Woman By A Well, published in Montréal, have been contributed  to "Better The Youth Movement" in Detroit, USA.


Modern Ekphrasis was acquired by The Victoria & Albert Museum, London.


Painted Poetry & Painterly Poetics, an ekphrastic collaboration with painters and poets,  edited by me, was published in Utrecht, Holland in August 2015.  


An essay on T.S. Eliot and a sonnet entitled Sheathless are published in

The Battersea Review, Boston, USA.


The White Owl, a sonnet, was commended in the Stanza Competition and read out at the Southbank Centre in London, on National Poetry Day, October 8.


Imago was commended at  the Cambridge Writers Poetry Competition.


A poem entitled "Fledglings" was published in Concordia, the university magazine in Montréal, Canada.


A sonnet "The Stags" and an ode "The Estuary"  were published in The London Magazine in 2014.


                 READINGS & CONFERENCES

                     Stanza Readings, Geneva & UK (ongoing)


                               Poètes de la Cité, Geneva (ongoing)



       Reading for the South American Anthology Resistir 

  March 2023


Geneva Open Mic Reading from Apperception

February 2022 


Poetry Reading, Geneva Open Mic Event, October 6, 2020
     Poetry Reading, Geneva Writers Conference,
                                 September 25, 2020
      "The Threshold of Broken Waters", GWG, Nov, 2019
                    UN ExTempore Reading, January 2018
         Offshoots Poetry Reading, Geneva, November 18, 2017
    Poetry Reading and Conference in Le Manoir, Cologny, GE
                                November 8 & 12, 2017
           Literary Cruise Livres sur les Quais Geneva-Morges ,
                                         September 4, 2016 
                         St. Petersburg, Russia, July 23, 2016
                          Librairie Payot, Geneva, June 9, 2016
                   Geneva Writers Group, February 2015
             United Nations Ex Tempore Reading,  January 2015


           Eglise de la Fusterie, Geneva, September 2015


        100'000 Poets for Change, Geneva, September 2015


                       PEN International, December 2015


            Burns Night, Arcade, Geneva, December 2015


             American Mission Literary event, Geneva, 2014


             Granada Literary Festival, Spain, November 2013


                             World Radio Switzerland


                                      BBC Radio, UK





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