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I write poetry and literary criticism in Geneva, Switzerland. At home, I organize poetry workshops and seminars. I am the representative of the Geneva Stanza Group affiliated to The Poetry Society in London. I earned my Master of Fine Arts in Writing from Vermont College, and my PhD from East Anglia University where I taught literature. I am a regular contributor to literary magazines in the Humanities. I have given poetry readings in Geneva, France, Russia, Holland, Spain, England and USA and on the BBC. In my published doctoral thesis, The Psychodynamics of Poetry: Poetic Virtuality and Oedipal Sublimation in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot and Paul Valéry, I write about my theory of literary creativity called “virtuality” which deals with the sublimation of narcissistic trauma. Modern Ekphrasis, a book on the philosophy of art, dealing with the painting-poetry analogy from Plato to Derrida, was published by Peter Lang in 2013. Essays on T.S. Eliot and Paul Valéry are published in the Battersea Review in Boston and in the T.S. Eliot Journal. My essay on "The Phenomenology of Non-Being" was published in Poetics Research, Sydney University. My translations of Neruda's poetry appeared in The High Window, UK. More recently, "Wild Court" published my essay on "Sublimation, Poetry, and Integrative Writing" and Twelve Rivers a book review on The Threshold of Broken Waters and an essay on Sylvia Plath. My short fiction is published in UK & USA. My poetry book in French, published by Slatkine, is called La rivière de soi. The first edition of my poetry book, A Woman By A Well, was published by Melinda Cochrane International in Québec in 2014 and all the profit given to Better the Youth Movement in Detroit, USA. Poems were published in The London Magazine, Battersea Review, The Linnet's Wings, The Blue Nib, Tipton Journal, Offshoots, Hunger Mountain, Iodine, The Inspired Heart Anthologies, San Diego Poetry Anthology, Salzburg Poetry Review, Oxford School of Poetry Review, San Antonio Review, OxMAG, Lothlorien Magazine, Otherwise Engaged Literary Magazine, SOREN Lit, and more. My poetry books, A Woman By A Well, Resilience (2015) and The Threshold of Broken Waters (2018), Apperception (2020), The Undertow (2023) are all published by Matador and Troubador Books, Leicester, UK.
photos: International Writers Conference in Geneva in March 2016; Reading in Peterhof Library, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2016; ExTempore Reading in Alfred de Zayas' home in Prégny, Geneva, 2018.

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