Author's Interviews
I gave a long interview to the Swiss Radio & TV, The interview was sponsored
by the Swiss Society of Authors. The journalist was interested by my most recent
poetry book "Apperception" which she read. The questions concerned mainly
the manner and style in which I wrote about the pandemic right during the very
first confinement in March 2020. I said that my book was a defense against the
pandemic, our accrued vulnerability in which it left us, and my increased state
of easily recollected dreams during the confinement. After writing about my dreams
in the book, I learned, through workshops in psychoanalysis, that most of us
began to dream vividly during the confinement. Patients related their dreams
to their analysts with all their details. I interpreted this phenomenon as the result
of our increased vulnerability and interdependence which we disliked because
of our education that encourages independence and individuality. I think
the authors' interviews are an important tool to convey our thoughts and emotions
about the facts of life and our experience but one must be cautious not to make
the interview into a narcissistic experience based solely on oneself. The interview
will be kept in the Society and the video will be sent back to me so I can add
it to my webpage.
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