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Objectification in Poetry - T.S. Eliot, Keats, and Me

The term objectification is borrowed from psychoanalysis to signify a person's ability

to see and elaborate on traumatic personal experiences with an objective stance. Poets

like TS Eliot and Keats have used different terminologies like the "objective correlative"

and "negative capability" to emphasize different aspects of this capacity. TS Eliot

defined the former term as the poet's ability to find the setting or the significant

aspects of the environment that would reinforce the poet's emotions about a given

situation or life experience. Keats, on the other hand, used the latter term to stress

the poet's ability to withstand ambiguity and doubt without being disturbed by these

emotions which usually render us insecure. As for me, I name the poet's ability to

objectify his painful experiences in poetry his "virtuality" which allows him to write

about trauma and suffering as objectively as sh/he can without lapsing into

sentimentality, insincerity, or hypocrisy.

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