The World is Too Much With Us
The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We...
One day
I wrote a paper on "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" way back when Solzhenitsyn started his exile in Zurich and no one knew about...
Notes from the Underground
I have been re-reading "Notes from the Underground". The anti-hero thinks that man's consciousness is his biggest enemy and also his...
The Paradox of Words
Geoffrey Hill and Yves Bonnefoy passed into the paradox of words. The paradox of words makes us feel the presence of words which are, in...
G. Hill passed away but he's still with us.
GENESIS BY Geoffrey Hill Against the burly air I strode Crying the miracles of God. And first I brought the sea to bear Upon the dead...
The Junction
Abstract Art
I have been writing a comparative article on Van Gogh's post-impressionist style in Arles and abstract art in which I discovered that the...
Poems in an avant-garde magazine
Enjoy them!
The lake is emerald Ash trees reflect their greenness On the rainy lake Mountains are foggy Dark clouds cover the spring sky Rain is...